
Taoist mythology, Lanna history, mythology, the nature of time and other considered ramblings

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Location: Chiangrai, Chiangrai, Thailand

Author of many self-published books, including several about Thailand and Chiang Rai, Joel Barlow lived in Bangkok 1964-65, attending 6th grade with the International School of Bangkok's only Thai teacher. He first visited ChiangRai in 1988, and moved there in 1998.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The worst of us

In no particular order:
World’s Hundred Worst People 1. Philip of Macedon 2. Alexander of Macedon 3. Aristotle 4. Julius Caesar 5. Caligula 6. Genghis Kahn 7. Charles Martel 8. Charlemagne 9. Barbarosa 10. Paul of Tarsus 11. Pope Innocent III 12. Richard Lionheart 13. King John I 14. Christobal Colon 15. Cortez 16. Pizarro 17. Alexander Hamilton 18. Henery VIII 19. Oliver Cromwell 20. Andrew Jackson 21. Abraham Lincoln 22. Robespierre 23. Marat 24. Louis XIV 25. JP Morgan 26. Cornelius Vanderbelt 27. John D Rockefeller 28. John Jacob Astor 29. Hannibal Lector 30. Jeffrey Dahmer 31. Winston Churchill 32. Timur the Lame/Tammerlaine 33. Attila the Hun 34. Josef Stalin 35. Mao Tse Dung 36. Adolph Hitler 37. Goering 38. Heinrich Himmler 39. Otto von Bismark 40. Albert Einstein 41. Edward Louis Bernays 42. Sigmund Freud 43. Jaques Derrida 44. Andy Warhol 45. Lt. Calley 46. Richard Nixon 47. Henery Kissinger 48. Ronald Reagan 49. Geo Bush 50. GW Bush 51. Hillary Clinton 52. Donald Trump 53. Athur Eddington 54. Catherine di Medici 55. Pol Pot 56. Hun Sen 57. Ne Win 58. Hirohito 59. Nero 60. Jim Jones 61. Leopold II of Belgium 62. Idi Amin 63. Tzar Ivan IV 64. Josef Mengele 65. Benito Mussolini 66. Francisco Franco 67. Ted Bundy 68. Shah Mohammad Risa Pahlavi 69. Torquemada 70. Yahya Khan 71. Reinhard Heydrich 72. Adolf Eichmann 73. Shiro Ishii 74. Ante Pavelić 75. Dick Cheney 76. Talat Basha 77. Enver Pasha 78. Willuam Quantrille 79. Nathan Bedford Forrest 80. John Gotti 81. Anastasio Somoza Debayle 82. Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte 83. Suharto or Soeharto 84. Albert Victor Nicholas Louis Francis Mountbatten 85. Rush Limbaugh 86. Mother Theresa 87. Adnan Khashoggi 88. Richard Jordan Gatling 89. Sam Houston 90. Pope Clement VII 91. Cesare Borgia 92. Napoleon Bonaparte 93. Bill Gates 94. Ferdinand Marcos 95. Kim Il Sung 96. Helmut Maucher CEO of Nestle 97. Ben van Beurden, CEO of Shell 98. Hugh Grant CEO of Monsanto 99. Marijn Dekkers CEO of Bayer 100. Werner Baumann CEO of Bayer 101 Wm Randolph Hearst 102 Qin Shi Huang - 1st recorded Emperor of China (because he had all earlier records 'redacted') 103 - and how could I almost forget, Bibi Netanyahu

Mobuto Sese Seko, Robert Mugabe, Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay of Enron and Edward Teach "Blackbeard" make for mystical 108 (I'll just leave Lee Atwater and his "Southern Strategy, and Ayn Rand, out ofit)